AboutIwacu Hub Medical System
The IWACU HUB MEDICAL SYSTEM application is a software tool for recording, Treating, Billing, and reporting data related to Providing Health Services to Clients at health facilities. This user guide presents an overview of the application’s features and gives step-by-step instructions for completing a variety of tasks related to providing Health Services to Clients
- CPU: Intel Celeron 2GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz recommended)
- RAM: 2GB +
- Operating system: Intel Celeron 2GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz recommended)
- Software: Mozilla Firefox, google chrome Microsoft edge or Safari
Software Features
Software Features

Store patient information


Access patient information from all services

Store medicine and consumable

Automated Data backup

Patient debt management

Monitor medicine and consumable usage and transfer

View patient medical records history

Patient Laboratory results

All service pricing (Consultation, Labo, Treatment and hospitalization)

generate all required reports (daily, monthly and custom reports)

Labo result patient SMS notification

Cashless payment
Frequently Asked
Iwacu hub provided training on all concerning staffs and will continue to provide training on new staffs when requested by the customer.
Support almost all Health insurance available in Rwanda (RSSB RAMA, CBHI, MMI, RADIANT, MEDIPLAN, UAP, BRITAM, EQUITY, RWANDA Bar, SAHAM)
Iwacu hub will provide support , maintenance, additional online server for data backup and customer will get new version of software when available.